How Much Of Your Salary You Should Invest In Mutual Funds?

The usage of mutual funds to acquire wealth and ensure financial stability is a common strategy. The process of deciding how much of your salary to invest in mutual funds is not an easy thing and is influenced by a lot of things like financial goals, risk tolerance, and personal situations.

This article discusses the rules and aspects that you should consider when deciding how much of your salary to put into mutual funds.

Understanding Mutual Funds

Mutual funds pool money from lots of investors to buy a wide range of stocks, bonds, or other securities. The diversification of different stocks mitigates the risk compared to the investment in individual stocks. Mutual funds are managed by professional fund managers who prefer a hands-off investment approach.

Factors Influencing Investment Decisions

The factors that influence investment decisions include:

Financial Goals

  • Short-Term Goals: These goals might include saving for a vacation, an emergency fund, or a down payment on a home. Generally, you would probably prefer to invest less in mutual funds for short-term objectives because of the market volatility.
  • Long-Term Goals: Retirement, children’s education, or wealth accumulation. Mutual funds are ideal for long-term goals due to their potential for higher returns over time.

Risk Tolerance

  • Aggressive Investors: More likely to invest a higher part of their salary in mutual funds, including those with higher risk profiles.
  • Conservative Investors: The user can go for a smaller percentage of mutual funds and choose a safer investment option.

Income and Expenses

  • Disposable Income: Calculate your monthly income after taxes and essential bills. This determines how much you can invest comfortably without affecting your lifestyle.
  • Debt Levels: High debt results in lower investment in mutual funds until the debt is manageable.

Age and Time Horizon

  • Younger Investors: Can afford to invest more aggressively in mutual funds because they have more time to recover from market ups and downs.
  • Older Investors: Might focus on preserving capital, thus investing a smaller percentage in equity mutual funds and more in conservative options like bond funds.

Guidelines for Salary Allocation

  1. The 50/30/20 Rule:
  • 50% for Necessities: The main expenses that are a part of one’s living expenses, including the rent, utilities, groceries, and other necessary living expenses
  • 30% for Discretionary Spending: Outings, hobbies, and other non-essentials are typically the ways people spend their time on a regular basis.
  • 20% for Savings and Investments: This part should deal with your emergency fund, retirement savings, and other investments, such as mutual funds.

Investment Allocation

  • In the 20% savings and investment category, think about the 10-15% of your gross salary that you could allocate to mutual funds. This range can be changed depending on the situation and the objectives of a person.

Increasing Investment Over Time

With the rise of your income, the goal should be to raise the percentage of your investments. If you get a salary hike, think of using a part of the increase for your mutual fund investments.

Employer-Sponsored Plans

If your employer provides a retirement plan with mutual fund choices, contribute enough to get the matching contributions.

Practical Steps to Start Investing

  • Calculate your earnings, outgoings, and financial aims. Make sure you have backup savings before putting your money in mutual funds. You can use a SIP calculator for this purpose.
  • Study different kinds of mutual funds and take into consideration the types of securities such as stock, equity, and bond and choose the ones that suit your risk tolerance and investment goals.
  • Setting up a system for the automatic transfers from your paycheck or bank account to invest regularly will be of great help.
  • Although some investment portfolios may be reviewed once in a while, it is always necessary to reassess the investment portfolio and make the necessary adjustments. Re-adjust your investments so that you will have the appropriate asset allocation for you.


The question of how much of your salary you should invest in mutual funds means finding a balance between your financial goals, risk tolerance, and personal situations. However, 10-15% of the gross income can be used for the mutual funds as a part of the 20% of the income as a common guideline. By using a strict investment strategy and constantly checking your financial plan, you can make good use of mutual funds to accumulate wealth and reach the goal of long-term financial security.